He might be an unknown demon, but only because no one has lived after they saw him.
As a Demon, you can talk to the Demon Skill's Mentor to learn skills. He is located in a dark cave near where Muzan and the waterfall is. These skills will appear in your hotbar after you get them.
Demon Blood Sense[]
Defeat 8 Human players without dying. Lets you smell blood from injured humans.
Demon Roar[]
Defeat 16 Human players without dying. A huge roar that blows everyone near you away from you.
Demon Arm Regeneration[]
Defeat 30 Human players without dying. Lets players regrow their arm when it's cut off.
Demon Breath Drain[]
Defeat 50 Human players without dying. A strong punch that sends an opponent flying back and disables the attacked user breathing moves for a short time.