Frequently asked questions
The following are the most frequently asked questions. Please read it and don't ask dumb questions.
1. If I pay the developers money, can I get specs or a boost in game?
No. Bribery cringe bro get a life
2. Can I get a Refund for a Game Product?
No, It is against the Roblox Terms of Service for Games to give refunds. Giving refunds ruins any chance the developers have at DevEx and Roblox related opportunities. However, the developers will sometimes try to compensate you for failed purchases. If players are found taking advantage of restores, compensations, etcetera, they can have their data reset or even be banned from the game.
3. Is there perfect blocking?
Yes, the timing is more tricky than other games though.
4. Why are the Demons disappearing?
It's an intended feature that goes with the series' logic, the Demons spawn in at night, and despawn in the morning.
5. How do I get a Nichirin Katana?
You can only get it after you have become a Slayer Corps member. You can do this after final selection. You then talk to the NPC on the right of the table, and he'll lead you to a nifty Blacksmith named vidgamenate.
6. I see the opening thread, what do I do?
If you land a hit during the opening thread, you get a critical hit. This might change in the future.
7. How do I turn off music?
Type "!music off" in chat.
8. Do gamepasses do anything?
They're purely cosmetics. No pay to win.
9. How do I train Breathing?
Go to the Butterfly Estate and walk on top of the mats. Press T to start exercising. After Exercising you can unlock and buy the Gourds. Gourds will raise your Breathing level. Use it until it breaks.
10. Are there Hybrids?
No. It's confirmed that it'll never come to the game.
11. What's the song in the Intro of the game?
From the Edge. Click here to be redirected to the music source.
12. What's the song on the play/credits/store screen?
Kamado Tanjirou no Uta. Click here to be redirected to the music source.
13. Will Slayer Mark come to the game?
Not right now. According to the Discord, it'll come as a feature but only after a very long time.
14. What are the ranks in the game?
There's an open community faction that players can join and rank up if you want to participate in the community more. You can rank up, but the ranks doesn't generally give any in-game benefits other than a title. They do let other people know how good you are at the game though.
15. How do I get back my Nichirin Blade after resetting my race?
Redo Final Selection. After you're done, talk to vidgamenate in Minobu Village and you'll get the Nichirin back.
16. What are the items I can get from Trick or Treating during the Halloween Event?
Screws, Zenitsu's Pumpkin, Kanao's Cape, Nezuko's Hat, Giyu's Skull and Rengoku's Halloween Cloak.
17. How do I check how many sit ups I've done?
The only way to keep track of your sit ups is by counting. There is no in-game sit up counter.
18. What is better? Demons or Demon Slayers?
Both are pretty good. It totally depends on the player what its better for them, some people will be naturally better as a Demon Slayer, and others as a Demon. It's up to the player to decide their path, do not ask other people to choose for you or what are they, decide by yourself.
19. Why don't I have a BDA?
The developers are aware some people don't have their BDAs. This is because you either got Hantengu, which requires level 40 for its first skill, or Swamp which is currently bugged. This is not the game's problem but ROBLOX itself so the developers cannot do anything about it until Roblox fixes itself.
20. Why aren't thunderstorms appearing?
Thunderstorms have a 1/5 chance to occur at night and when it's raining. You might be thinking that it's impossible for them to occur but all you have is just trash luck.
21. Why can't I get the BDA I want?
Every BDA has an equal chance of acquiring. Just wish RNG blesses you with what you want.
22. What are the meanings of some abbreviations/slangs?
- M1/LMB = Left Mouse Button
- M2/RMB = Right Mouse Button
- PB = Perfect Block
- AoE = Area of Effect
- iFrames = Invicibility Frames
- Hyperarmor = Uninterruptable skills
23. When will new codes drop?
New codes drop when Higoshi hits a specific YouTube subscriber count, the game hitting new milestones or basically special events like it's anniversary. All of these vary.
24. What's the best breathing or BDA?
Everything is balanced and good on its own. Please stop thinking there's a best breathing or BDA just because you suck at the game.