Demon Slayer RPG 2 Wiki
Demon Slayer RPG 2 Wiki



Ranked gamemode button.

Ah, yes... Ranked... your basic 1v1 gamemode. In Ranked, you will be put against another player, fighting till one stands victorious. Every month, the ranking for in-game wins will reset, and the top ranked player for the current month will receive a role inside the Shounen Studios Discord server.

How to enter[]

On the top left of your screen, there is a button named "Gamemodes". Click it, and you will be presented with the gamemodes available for the game. You will require level 80 to enter Ranked.


  • Ranked is one of the two available gamemodes of the game, the other being Human VS Demons.
  • Ranked is the only gamemode that gives you a reward within the Shounen Studios Discord server.
  • Ranked is the gamemode with the lowest level required among all the other gamemodes.