Demon Slayer RPG 2 Wiki
Thunder Breathing

Thunder Breathing ( (かみなり) () (きゅう) Kaminari no kokyū?) is one of the five main Breathing Styles directly derived from Sun Breathing.


Thunder Breathing is a Breathing Style that mimics lightning, specifically swift strikes and movements akin to lightning ripping through the sky, and replicates it with the user's movements, techniques and abilities. Most, if not all, known techniques and forms involve utilizing blinding speeds and immensely fast attacks to overwhelm the enemy in an instant. Users of Thunder Breathing also visualize themselves seemingly creating and manipulating lightning and electricity when unleashing its techniques.


Thunder Breathing is obtained by talking to Zenitsu. From the Rice Field, start by walking around till you see a bamboo thicket. Once the bamboo thicket is visible, walk to it and there should be a slop nearby. Walk up it and look right. You can see Zenitsu standing in front of a house.

Quests (In order)[]

  1. <Level 15> Get struck by lightning
  2. <Level 35> Defeat 12 Weak Demon(s), 8 Slightly Weak Demon(s) and 6 Abnormal Demon(s)
  3. <Level 70> Defeat Zenitsu (Tired)
  4. <Level 170> Defeat Zenitsu (Tired)
  5. <Level 300> Talk to Zenitsu


Keybind Move Description Cooldown
E Thunderclap and Flash The user unsheathes their katana, dashes forward at blinding speeds and slices their opponent, before sheathing it back. Guard breaker. 7 seconds
R Rice Spirit The user releases multiple arched slashes made of lightning in quick succession. Usually used to combo extend. 7 seconds
T Distant Thunder The user homes onto several opponents around them, performing a thrusting stab each hit. This move doesn't guard break and has a pretty short windup. 7 seconds
Y Rumble and Flash The player charges forward in a zigzag like pattern. Reactivating the skill causes the user to leap skyward and slam down like thunder. Activating the second phase causes the user to become tired and vulnerable. 10 seconds
X Thunderclap and Flash: Sixfold/Eightfold The user assumes a formidable stance, whilst quickly creating a big AOE circle, then unleashing multiple barrage of dashes to the opponent within the circle. 180 seconds


Thunderclap and Flash
Rice Spirit
Distant Thunder
First Skill Second Skill Third Skill
Rumble and Flash
Fourth Skill Fifth Skill


  • First Form: Thunderclap and Flash (壱ノ型 霹靂一閃 Ichi no kata: Hekireki Issen) is stated to be the basis for all the other forms, which was all Zenitsu could learn and hone, while Kaigaku couldn't despite learning the other forms after it. Two unnamed Demon Slayers stated that because of this, he wouldn't be able to successfully m aster the other forms in Thunder Breathing.
  • Second Form: Rice Spirit (弐ノ型 稲魂 Ni no kata: Inadama) is based on a belief in Japan that when a rice field is hit by lightning, it assures a bountiful harvest and fertilizes the rice plants in the area.